Fun with Christmas Lights 2017
So I haven’t posted in a while, but here is something from last year around Christmas.
I started working with Light O Rama controllers so I could have a fun cool Christmas display. The long story short is that I enjoyed doing the light show, and I want to do RGB LED lights, but there is a large cost I am not able to justify. I think I will end up just using more LED lights (non-RGB) with standard controllers to help add more lights to my show at my home. I want to do some fun arches but not sure if that will come to fruition in 2018 or not.
Here are a few videos of things I have done in 2017, and I want to work on some new songs in 2018 but it is time-consuming and I don\’t have a lot of time to sequence songs. You can watch on YouTube for a full-screen view.
TSO – Wizards of Winter –
Pentatonix Come all Ye Faithful
Light of Christmas
I have a few more on my Youtube chan feel free to check it out.
This was 1 Light o Rama 16 chan controller and the software. I set it up right around Thanksgiving of 2017. Hoping to do more in 2018.