LED light bar for Joyner Sand Viper 250 Installation

The installation of the LED light Bar is pretty simple.  The only tough part is figuring if you are going to hook up other lights with it 🙂  My kids and I decided we were going to do some fun LED lights on the interior as well as the LED light bar.  The below are the two items purchased to make this work, the 3rd item is optional and may not be technically legal in your state.  Please review your local regulations if this is permitted.

Amazon for LED light bar (whatever fits your ride), Toggle Switch (amazon again pick what you like), and internal LED lights for the buggy.

I had some wire, connectors and some wire conduit to run the wires so pretty much was good to go.  Simple problem to figure out was the switch didn’t show + / – or load so you know what you connect up but with a nice 9V battery I was able to figure it out on an LED strip.  Once this was figured out it was more about placement and then running wires to the battery or switch for lights.  Since I wanted this to be separate so I can turn it on and off without messing with the main lights I wired it inline with a fuse to the battery.  Caveat here is only run the lights when the Joyner Sand Viper 250 is running or else you could easily drain the battery.

*PLEASE NOTE* This instruction set is for educational purposes only.  If you follow these instructions and something bad happens to LED light bar, Joyner Sand Viper, or whatever you are hooking this up to, you will need to contact your warranty center for support.  There is no written guarantee or warranty implied or inferred with this instruction set.  Use at your own risk.

The basic installation guide is this –

  • Find out where you want to mount it.
  • Mark Pilot hole locations.
  • Drill through the top frame and continue through the single piece so you can bolt on the mounts for the LED light.  Depending on your drill and bits you might be able to go to the right size immediately, I had to drill a pilot then expand it with a larger drill bit.
  • Secure the mount with a large enough bolt and securing nut.  I had to purchase something that did not come with the kit at a local hardware store.
  • Adjust the light to your desired viewing position (guess and adjust at night).
  • Run wires to the appropriate Ground and load for your switch.
  • Run wires for your switch to your battery.
  • Add inline fuse for your battery so you don\’t ruin a brand new LED light bar 🙂
  • Wait for night and enjoy!!

Here is a quick view of what it looks like from a quick view.  I don’t have an HD Go pro to give you a riding POV however eventually I might get one or use a different HD camera to give that vantage point.



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