Displaying posts published in

August 2011

Fun times with 1993 300zx

So I was driving and the shifter in my 1993 300zx gets VERY wobbly / loose and I was quite confused. Apparently there is a part on a manual transmission 1993 300zx that fails a lot.  The Shifter Support Bracket for the 1993 300zx just straight up busted on me… Now the shifter would go […]

QR Codes all the rave – Especially when you can customize it for FREE!

Yah so QR codes (Quick Response) have been around for a while (since 1994) and it\’s popularity seems to have some ebbs and flows.  With the innovation of colors, adding flair, and other cool ideas which are making QR codes less boring it will pique interest 🙂  With free being a huge motivator in allowing […]