Displaying posts published in

January 2011

Busted Caps

So I was asked by a co-worker to take a look at his PC and why it was randomly not booting / sometimes not getting to the BIOs and I told him it is most likely hardware related.  He was hoping his drive was OK to get files off of it but my suspicion was […]

2011 Happy New Year (Better late than never right?)

Happy New Year! So it is now 2011 almost a full 10 years after leaving the USAF.  Crazy how time flies, my kids are growing up and I am almost done with my BS Degree (Pun intended) and spring training is around the corner.  I hope I can start to update this blog more regularly […]

IronPort C360 and using internal CA for SSL error

How to use an internal Certificate Authority Server (AD) with IronPort C360 Spam Filter Device.